Are your finances a little messy? Are you uncertain about how you’ll pay your bills or get out of debt? There are things you can do to create more certainty in your finances.
If you could change your life over the next 21 days in ways that would positively impact all your tomorrows, would you set aside the time this month to do it? Start your 21 day challenge here and now!
Have you noticed? It’s all too easy to overcomplicate our lives with too many commitments and not enough downtime. So what’s the solution? Declutter . . . and make space for something new.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been talking about decluttering: your household, your finances, the busyness of modern-day life . . . but what about clearing the clutter around your relationships and the commitments you make to other people?
From magazine subscriptions to streaming services to regular payments for who-knows-what, some stuff just builds up and lingers on our monthly credit card statement until even our “minimum payment” is overwhelming.
For anyone working on getting ahead in 2022, here’s a question: is a new opportunity trying to get your attention? Is it waiting in the wings for you to have enough time, focus, energy, or space in your life for something new?
As 2022 gets underway, have you thought seriously about what “the dream life” looks like for you? Is it financial freedom, a beautiful house, supportive relationships . . . or something else entirely?
If you were stressed last year over credit card debt, fighting about household spending, or worried about how you’re going to pay your bills, you have the power to make 2022 a better year.
As 2022 gets underway, I have a question for you: are you in your right livelihood? Are you in a career you love, doing what you want to do? Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires and delights you.
For too many people, the “dream life” seems so far away . . . impossible . . . something they’ll never attain. When life is chaotic, unhealthy, overburdened with debt, and filled with toxic relationships that are a constant source of stress, there’s simply no bandwidth left to work on creating the life you want.