Has the world has thrown your life off track lately? Faith can help you discover your life purpose. Creating life balance in these 7 areas gives you space to pursue your unique purpose.
While most people float through life unaware of their place in the bigger picture, the truth is that you are here for a purpose. What’s one simple step that will get you connected and practice your faith in a greater way?
Part of living a happy and balanced life is doing work that inspires and delights you: you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.
Can we talk about your work-life? What one thing could you change that would upgrade those 6-10 hours a day you spend working? Here’s how to create a livelihood you love.
Are you in a career you love or a career that’s stressful? Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires and delights you. Join the 21-Day Challenge and take one small step toward improving your career.
Your family is your rock—the people you should be able to turn to in tough times, and who turn to YOU for the same reason. Toxic family members causing chaos and drama? Here’s one way to stay focused on (and protect) your immediate “inner circle” family.
I challenged you and my other followers to take one small step toward improving your family life and calming the chaos in your household. After I posted, I got some great comments about what people plan to do and what qualities they want in their family life.
Experts say it takes 21 days to establish any new habit. Doesn’t your health deserve that kind of discipline? Here’s how to stay on track. By practicing the desirable new behavior every day for three weeks, your brain actually becomes “reprogrammed”.
Can we talk about your health and fitness? This month, as you take steps toward upgrading your life in 7 major areas, today I’d like to focus on a category that many people take for granted: your health!
You get what you focus on. You’ve heard that advice, right? It reminds us that, to begin living the life we really want, we have to start doing those things that will get us there.